Job: ResumeSpider - Call Employers Directly for Interviews
July 28th, 2009Position: ResumeSpider - Call Employers Directly for Interviews
I understand that you are currently in the job market.
Let me tell you about a job search tool that will put your resume
directly in front of employers, corporate hiring managers and
Go to and click on the big red Run Search Now
button then select your categories and click Get Results.
ResumeSpider has developed an actual list of member employers,
corporate hiring managers and recruiters that have asked to receive
resumes with your skills. You get the actual name and phone number
of every contact on your list. You can call these contacts and set
up interviews with the companies directly!
Stop doing the same thing everyone else does to find a job. Gain
access to real jobs before they are advertised. Build a targeted
list of real contacts with real job leads and create your own
“Personal Recruiter Network”.
Let me know what you think. Your feedback is appreciated.
Rex Spelling
P.O. Box 17943
Indianapolis, IN 46217
888-737-8635 (888-RESUME -5)
Reply-To: rexspelling AT resumespider DOT com
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Mitchell G. Javeline
mitchjav AT comcast DOT net
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