Job: Migration of Sun Systems to HP or IBM
August 14th, 2009Position: Migration of Sun Systems to HP or IBM
If you think Larry is going to keep Sun HW business, you are mistaken. No
one in the valley believes that he will compete against HP, IBM and Dell
which produce 90+% of the business for Oracle. Sun’s hardware revenues have
already dropped 30% in just 1 quarter.
I have started a company to develop migration tools and a consulting
practice to migrate Customer Sun Hardware and Software Platforms to HP or
IBM Platforms. *It will happen any way, so why not make money
ourselves rather than giving it to other professional services company.* I
have already created a core team of ex-Sun technologists. I am looking for
technologists and sales/PS professionals with access to Sun accounts. Sun
alumni and HP Alumni are the best places to tap into it as you have sold the
systems to your accounts and developed technologies. The total installed
base of Sun Systems is $160B, so lots of opportunity for the next few years.
I spent 13 years directing the development of Solaris/Ultraspac systems
which became the most successful in the history. Before Sun, I was with HP
for 14 years where I (a) started and managed their Commercial HPPA
engineering program (8 years) and (b) started and managed HP’s Unix/Intel
server product line (6 years). I have managed 2 major migration efforts in
the industry (1) HP’s migration from their 16 bit segmented architecture
based HP 3000 system to 32 bit HPPA based MPE XL/HP3000 computer system
including design of new MPE-XL operating System - it became a $1B/year
revenue product line with a life span of over 20 years (2) Migration of Sun
systems from 32 bit to 64 bit Solaris/Ultrasparc systems - became the most
successful in the industry in 90s and caused Sun’s stock to split 5 times
between ‘95-2000.
I have already defined migration services from Sun Systems to HP systems and
started to spec out the technology tools to develop. I have also made key
higher level executive contacts (my HP contacts) within HP to get help on
this effort. I am in touch with VCs to get funding. I also have deep higher
level contacts within IBM server groups (my IIT buddies who are VPs/Fellows
If you have technology skills (hardware, system software, java,
applications, data, storage), professional services and sales skills with
access to Sun accounts internationally and want to participate in this
opportunity, please send me your brief resumes.
Let us migrate our dear Sun customers to a better Platform company to keep
Sun customers Happy. It is called Customer Satisfaction. Let Larry focus on
what he does best - higher level software.
Deepak Bhagat
Vikroon Systems; Founder
(1) Sun Microsystems (’93-’01; 02-06); Senior Director for
Solaris/Ultrasparc Systems and Network/Security Products
(2) Centrata, CEO/VP of Engineering (’01-’02)
(3) Hewlett-Packard (’79-’93); Engineering Manager, Lead Designer; MPE
XL/HP3000 Series 900 HPPA Systems, Unix/Intel Servers
cell: (510) 468-5592
deepak DOT bhagat AT vikroon DOT com
deepak DOT bhagat AT gmail DOT com
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